Monday, April 5, 2010

So You Know Where I'm Coming From: A Preface to all Future Movie Reviews

I love, love, LOVE movies. I love their ability to present a world you could only dream of (or, in some cases, like most Tim Burton films, couldn't), evoke emotions you weren't expecting, and leave you dreaming dreams you didn't have before. I love that they can make you smile when you are heartbroken (Love Actually) or can creep the hell out of you when you're home alone (The Box), can make you want to vomit...when you need to vomit (Silence of the Lambs) or laugh your pants off when you need a few wacky friends to get in trouble with (Superbad).

But the very best movies take you on a journey that is truly remarkable. They employ a hero you want to stand next to and fight with for a mission worth fighting for in a world entirely unlike our own. I'm talking stories and characters for the ages, with quests so bold the they stay in our minds long after we've left the theater - Star Wars, Gladiator, Pan's Labyrinth, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, Ben Hur, Schindler's List, Indiana Jones.

If you couldn't tell by that list, I'm a huge fan of the action and science fiction genres. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for movies that make me want to fall in love, but I find that the best and most memorable stories are those that are completely out of this world. And I find that directors and screenwriters and producers have generally done a better job of bringing life to stories that are a little grander than your typical romance or comedy.

These movies succeed because the creative team was able to incorporate little bit of everything to the appropriate degree: action, drama, science fiction, religion and romance. In Star Wars (woohoo!!), for example, we've got the conflict between the rebels and the Empire (action), Luke finding out his arch-enemy is his father (drama), SPACE SHIPS!! (duh), "May the force be with you" (also duh), and the Luke / Leia / Han Solo love triangle (questionable romance). The characters are people we can relate to and want to succeed, the world is one we can only wish we lived in, the religion is fairly all-encompassing (not to mention enables you to do some pretty sick stuff), and the romance is believably witty and not too overwhelming (Leia: "I love you," Han Solo "I know"). Okay, that's an easy example. But now you know what I'm looking for in a good movie. Surprising and wonderful details that make you fall in love with the story.

By the way, the original TV spot for The Emperor Strikes Back was just posted online.  It's phenomenal, and demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about :

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