Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Greatest Website of All Time

Need hours of amazing procrastination?  Look no further.

As you may or may not have figured out, I am a HHHHUUUGGGEEEEE  Star Wars fan.  So I would like to share with you the greatest website of all time: Stormtroopers 365

Even if you aren't completely obsessed with Star Wars, you WILL laugh out loud at some of these.  The amount of creativity and dedication that went into this project is phenomenal.  A friend of mine said "I would like to get a beer with the guys who made this."  Well, I would like to make babies with the guys who made this.  

A few samples -- "Renewable Power of Destruction": 

"Can you read this Luke Skywalker?"

Can you read this, Luke Skywalker? by Stéfan.

Photos from Stormtroopers 365

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