Monday, April 5, 2010

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Hey! I'm Alice. As with all new ventures, I guess it's best for one to make a formal introduction and state one's purpose:

I'm a 25 year old girl living in Manhattan, curious about the world and everything there is to explore. I don't have one specific goal in mind for this blog, such as healthy-food recipes or movie reviews, but rather a desire to share my musings on life as I try to discover a little bit more about myself and figure life out.

As it stands, I have a great job, but no idea what I want to do with my life, a fabulous group of friends, a pretty solid dating life (I think), but no leading man, a great apartment with a view of the midtown skyline, two adorable miniature dachshunds, a closet full of clothes, shoes and bags I love (materialistic, I know) and...well, I think that's just about it.

At this point, I feel I've gotten a bit mentally, emotionally and physically sedentary over the past few years. Sure, my complaints are few and far between, and I feel very lucky to be a part of all the amazing things going on in my life, but I know I won't be happy at the end of this journey if I continue on the path I'm currently following. With no idea what I want to do for the next, oh...40 or so years...and a whole world to explore, I'm aiming to try as many new things in the next year as I can, discover what passions will ignite my mind, heart and soul (not to mention what might be profitable for me) and meet new people and learn about what makes their worlds spin.

The White Queen in Alice's Wonderland quipped she sometimes "imagined six impossible things before breakfast." I hope to imagine at least a few, and maybe even accomplish them.

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