Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shake it Like a Polaroid Picture

Since summer is my favorite season (despite the humidity in NYC), I've been out and about doing things with friends, and haven't had too much time to write up all the fun that's been going on.  Thought I'd quickly fill you in...

Remember how I was telling you about one of my friends likes to pretend he's a stripper with a big butt when he's dancing?  Well, I'm here to officially check off my first "impossible thing":  dancing!

A few weeks ago, my friend Monique and I took Eric J's hip-hop class at Broadway Dance Center.  He starts off with about a half hour of constant sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, pelvic thrusts, shoulder pops...needless to say, the next day was pretty achey for yours truly, who barely ever works out due to BOREDOM IN THE GYM!!  While we're in the middle of our 10 minutes of sit-ups, we see a guy hanging out out side of the dance room, shooting the shit with another guy.  I'm thinking...why doesn't he have to do all these crunches?!?!  Of course when he walks in and Eric introduces him as the other instructor, who would take over for him while he was on vacation.  (Always a good idea to make fun of the teacher, right?)

Anyway, we get to the routine (set to this song), which was completely impossible.  My hair flips are famous on the dance floor, but I'm totally out of practice for learning choreographed dance moves.  Partway through the routine Eric yells out "you in the pink"  There's a girl a row or two ahead of me in pink, I'm hoping he's calling on I look around.  Eric looks at me and says, "you've still got your arm out when you should have moved into this position."  Mortifying.  And of course I continue doing the incorrect move for the rest of the class.
Luckily I saved myself later by making some kind of self-deprecating comment that the 2nd instructor thought was hilarious when I couldn't figure out one of the steps.  

Last week, about 20 of my friends went to the Met Museum's annual Young Member's Party (arguably the best museum party all year).  A bunch of us were dancing, and my friend Eric from college and his dance partner got their photo snapped mid-step.  That photo was used for Guest of a Guest's write up, discussing how this is the only museum party where people actually let loose amid the sculptures and DANCE!

Keenan Reilly, Amanda Chatham, Lydia Morrison, Frederick Volp, Alice Francis, Andrew Chatham

This past weekend, a few friends and I took the ferry over to Governor's Island for the Jazz-Age Lawn Party (music by Michael Arenella & His Dreamland Orchestra).  Also a fantastic party.  I was majorly impressed by the commitment to the 20's theme.  Girls showed up with parasols and flapper dresses and long pearls, and guys sported suspenders and button down vests and bow ties.  Dapper!  As for me, I just chose something with a little swing.  My friend Renee's boyfriend Justin used to be a swing instructor and taught me a few steps:

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