Monday, April 5, 2010

Impossible Things I May (or May Not) Attempt

Well, those last two posts were kind of experimental, to get me to start writing, and have little to do with the actual point of this whole thing. I imagine that, from time to time, I might write about something random, try to impose my point of view and style choices on you, my beloved unknown audience, but I'm doing this with the intent of documenting my experiences while trying to enrich my life, shake things up a bit (as a high-school boyfriend once put it: "a nice change of pace"), and maybe entertain a few people in the process. So, I'll let you in on a few contenders for the impossible things I may attempt in the next few months:
  • Beekeeping - The Gotham City Honey Co-Op has beekeeping classes at the Central Park Arsenal every Sunday at 11am. My mom kept 600,000 honey bees on her property last year, but I was never able to make it out to her house to learn how to bee keep, so now that I know this is available, I'm definitely doing it!
  • Flying - A good friend from HS is now a flight instructor in NJ, so I'll definitely have to get out there and take a lesson sometime this summer.
  • Shooting - I'm about as liberal as it gets, but also kind of a closet gun enthusiast, so I'm planning to head over to NYC's West Side Pistol Range sometime and fire off a few rounds. 
  • Kayaking - A friend and I are volunteering at one of the NYC boathouses (Downtown Boathouse) in preparation for a trek around Manhattan island at the end of the summer. This obviously requires a hell-of-a-lot more arm strength than I currently have, so it will be quite the challenge.
  • Rock Climbing - A date recently took me rock climbing. Aside from being totally nerve wracking in front of a guy you like, it was a lot more difficult than I expected: the holds for your feet are TINY and holding on is nearly impossible. Oh, not to mention the immense amount of physical and mental agility it requires while still trying to make sure my butt looked cute (since he was obviously checking it out). But, as he told me, you want to try to "have sex with the wall," and I really can't argue with a sport with that description. So, I'm in. All the way.
  • Sky Diving - My mom said I wasn't allowed, but I'll probably do it anyway. :P
  • Biking - My ex-step-father got me hooked on motorcycles. Sadly, his relationship with my mother ended before he could teach me how to ride, but I still intend to get my license sometime.
  • Dancing - A friend of mine claims he pretends he's a "stripper with a big ass" when he's dancing, and boy, if you saw him, he's nailed it. Absolute insanity. And definitely responsible for the drunken wipe-out of many a dance partner, including yours truly. However, I'd like to try a more athletic approach - take a hip hop, Latin or ballroom class for fun and exercise.
  • Playing flute - I've been meaning to audition for a few of the amateur orchestras in NYC. This one may not happen right now, but eventually I'd love, love, love to do this. At the very least I should play more. Or maybe I could have a recital for some of my friends!!
  • Reading - I've got a whole bookshelf full of unread books I've purchased over the past few years, so I'm going to try to read and review one book a month. This will likely commence after I've aced the GMAT, as any time not spent outside or doing something with friends is dedicated to attempting to solve ridiculously easy questions that have been constructed in such a way that completely screws with your mind.
  • Learning French - As I was flipping through this weeks NY Magazine on the subway to work, I came across an add for Idlewild Books' language class - looks like fun and is reasonably priced.
  • Reviewing Movies - As you already know, I LOVE movies, so I may as well share my opinion.
  • Cooking / Baking - I'm going to attempt to cook or bake something new and interesting every two weeks. (open to suggestions)
  • Eating New Food - Everyone who knows me is well aware that I have the palate of a five year old. Therefore I've decided to try a lot of new food and order things on the menu I would never usually order, so please comment! (In the last week of dining out I've ordered:foie gras and hamachi-both delicious-from Aureole, the bo ssam-not a huge fan of the oyster, but I ate it!-from Momofuku's Ssam bar, and amazing scallops wrapped in prosciutto over spinach at uva on the Upper East Side.)

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