Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Size (but Mostly Speed) Matters

Just as a follow up from this post, I thought I'd share some cool information.  On the subway this morning, I was reading the latest issue of WIRED Magazine (UK Edition), which has an article about the tools used to fix the Hubble Space Telescope during last May's servicing mission.  One of the tools featured was a pretty swanky drill (see below).  This drill boasts the ability to remove 111 fasteners in 45 minutes, equating to an impressive 300rpm, all without breaking any part of our precious telescope (well, assuming these astronauts know how to control their power tools)!

Sadly, Lauren, Vince and I were not equipped with this drill when tasked with taking apart our most prized piece of technology - you know, the one that allows people to lock their stuff up while they go paddle around a river known for its high pollution level.  (Way cooler than, say, technology that checks out stars bajillions of light-years away, obviously).  Either way, this drill would have come in handy for our little repair mission.  Perhaps we'll  mention to Graeme next time that we found him a drill that's taking far more than just steroids...

1 comment:

  1. haha yes, we totally could have used that. much better than the vibrator on steroids!
