Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Size (but Mostly Speed) Matters

Just as a follow up from this post, I thought I'd share some cool information.  On the subway this morning, I was reading the latest issue of WIRED Magazine (UK Edition), which has an article about the tools used to fix the Hubble Space Telescope during last May's servicing mission.  One of the tools featured was a pretty swanky drill (see below).  This drill boasts the ability to remove 111 fasteners in 45 minutes, equating to an impressive 300rpm, all without breaking any part of our precious telescope (well, assuming these astronauts know how to control their power tools)!

Sadly, Lauren, Vince and I were not equipped with this drill when tasked with taking apart our most prized piece of technology - you know, the one that allows people to lock their stuff up while they go paddle around a river known for its high pollution level.  (Way cooler than, say, technology that checks out stars bajillions of light-years away, obviously).  Either way, this drill would have come in handy for our little repair mission.  Perhaps we'll  mention to Graeme next time that we found him a drill that's taking far more than just steroids...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

20 Hours, 40 Minutes: Our Flight in the Friendship

Well, I can't take credit for being the first woman to document her adventures around the world (post title stolen from Amelia Earhart's book documenting her journey as the first woman to fly, as a passenger, across the Atlantic), but I have recently accepted a travel-related challenge, and will be delighted to share the resulting stories.  (NB:  This is the far-off dream plan, so you may have to wait a while for pictures / stories from around the world.)

Anyway, the challenge arose when I forwarded a recent issue of Urban Daddy to  The issue was about going on safari in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya (I was lucky enough to go there on a family trip when I was little - my dad loves Africa), so I thought he'd appreciate!  Cotters Safari Service (featured in UD) sets up home for you in a super luxurious vintage 1920s tent (see below).  It seems pretty awesome (and I'm sure this trip back in time costs a small fortune), though I think I recall there was a woman killed by a hippo (they like to hang around...and seem much cuter / less dangerous than they actually are) while we were visiting the area, so....?

My dad's goal was to travel around the world by the time he was 30.  He achieved this goal at 29.  He challenged me to beat him. So, here's the plan:
  • Europe 
    • I've already been to Europe a number of times, but there are a few good friends who've abandoned the homeland to seek out shenanigans in various European countries (i.e. England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium).  I'll try to visit a few if I can...
  • Asia
    • My friend Nakul, who I went to college with, recently (as in one week ago) moved to Tokyo for the next year and a half (a way gutsy move, as he's never been to Japan and doesn't speak the language).  He's already sent me a calendar invite spanning the entire month of January 2011 saying "ALICE COMES TO TOKYO SOMETIME."  I got really excited / happy upon receiving this invite!!  :)
    • A close coworker friend, Vivek, moved home to India last year, after leaving the firm.  At one point he said "you have to come visit when my brother gets married.  Indian weddings are amazing!"  (Indian weddings are often HUGE and last a week long - yay party!).  A few weeks ago I received the official invite...of to India in December!
  • Australia
    • My friend Sarah, a friend from college, and co-founder of our club, WIPKA-Women in Physics Kick Ass (we were very official, had a Facebook page and everything), traveled around the world after graduation learning to be a therapeutic horse trainer.  Somewhere around Germany, I think, she met her now-husband, and moved to Australia with him.  I remember getting the email from her saying "yep! the rumors are true, I got married."  Fantastic! She went on to say, "when your boyfriend suggests a 10-day technical mountaineering course in New Zealand as the honeymoon and asks -- in all seriousness -- "do you have an ice axe?"  how can you say no??"  This may be my favorite engagement story of all time, and it makes me so happy to re-read the email.  The story is so wonderful and perfect, and they make so much sense together.
  • South America
    • My roommate at boarding school is from Brazil and returned there after graduation.  We've been discussing a reunion forever, but college and jobs and life got in the way, so I never made it down.  It'd be so great to hang out with my old roomie again!
  • Africa 
    • My dear father, who will be turning the big 70 in 2011, who has been kind enough to provide me with the great life I have, has always wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  So in celebration of his birthday, and the beginning of my new adventures in life, I think we'll have to endure some altitude sickness and go backpacking in Africa!
    I think this already is a pretty aggressive plan, and if I can attain it, that would be awesome.  Upon completion, I do have an even more far-fetched thought for travel:
    • Space
      • For a mere $200k (as if anyone has this kind of money to blow) you can reserve a seat on the "sexiest spaceship ever," the Virgin Galactic, a private spaceship developed by Virgin.  The only spec you need to know? The spaceship's mind blowing acceleration from 0 to 2500mph (over 3 times the speed of sound) in approx. 10 seconds. Go. Richard. Branson.  

    Photo from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day

    So, to recap, the plan is:

    A few friends are currently travelling the world, and one of them has promised to give me pointers on the best late night pizza joints to discuss the universe while drunk (as we've done here in NY).  Other suggestions are much appreciated...